
All posts tagged remix

Listen to “Guru Meditation (schädel mix)” by stAllio!.

stAllio! made another record, and asked me to do a remix. Here’s his description of the record on which it appears:

stAllio!’s triumphant return to the world of sonified data! once again, stAllio! plunges deep into his hard drive and listens to the data — image files, executables, and link libraries alike are converted to sound for his review. the choicest bits of data are then meticulously assembled into music: glitchy melodies, skittery rhythms, and thunderous beats emerge from the digital noise. you could call it IDM (interpreted data music), dirty 8-bit, or glitch-hop. stAllio! used to call it databent music, but these days prefers the simpler term “data sound.”

You can hear the original version of the track here.

Listen to “Garden (schädel remix)” by The Lions Rampant.

This was my winning entry for a remix contest to appear in the soundtrack of the locally made, crowd-sourced short film, Radius.

If you’d like, you can check out the original version of the song, and watch Radius in full, as well as a making-of documentary in which my remix also appears.

(tentative cover artwork by Matt Digges)

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click through for download: Adam WarRock, “No Album (DJ Empirical remix)”
30 sep 2010

Forthcoming (next week, to be exact) is an album by Adam WarRock, produced by Ruckus Roboticus, entitled The War for Infinity. I mention this here because one of the bonus downloads you’ll get with the deluxe version of the album is a mixtape, put together by me, using a number of Adam WarRock TrackLog a cappella tracks, mixed with a healthy dose of eclectic tunes from a wide variety of artists, from Radiohead to Otto von Schirach. As a preview of that mixtape, we’ve selected the above tune, “No Album (DJ Empirical remix)”, pulled it out, and arranged it as a standalone track.

As a dj, I’ve always appreciated “unmixed” releases of large scale dj sets, so I thought standalone edits would be a cool thing for use in radio shows and by other djs. The full mix, and a set of dj-friendly edits like this one, will be available as a free bonus to the album on October 7th. Check out Adam WarRock’s site for all the details on what you’ll get with the full release.

Audiography for this remix:

A.R. Rahman, “Ishq Bina (remix)” [watch]
Rye Rye, “Bang (instrumental)” [watch vocal version]
Lee Dorsey, “Get Out Of My Life, Woman” [hear]
Longmont Potion Castle, “Get Fresh Crew”
Adam WarRock, “No Album (a cappella)”
Dirty Projectors & Björk, “Ocean” [hear]
Radiohead, “The National Anthem” [watch]

<a href="">Observers (DJ Empirical Remix) by Koala Fires</a>


A few months ago Kendall & Matt of Koala Fires asked me whether I’d like to remix one of their tunes for a remix album, and (of course) I accepted.

The above is the finished version of my remix, and will be is available on their bandcamp page when it’s released. You can hear (and purchase!) the original version of the above tune there as well, or click the play button below:

<a href="">Observers by Koala Fires</a>

detrimentalist stretched cover
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download: Venetian Snares, “Gentleman (1/4 Speed mix)”
17 aug 2010

Today everyone’s been passing around the 8x slowed down Justin Bieber track. It’s pretty sweet, and though I’ve been playing around with slowed samples for quite a while, I never had an app that worked as well as PaulStretch.

After listening to the Bieber track, I thought I’d see what Venetian Snares sounds like at 1/4 speed. It’s not as slow, ratio-wise, as the Bieber thing, but I wanted the result to still have a beat.

If you’d like to hear the original version of “Gentleman“, here you go:

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download: The Presets, “Kicking and Screaming (Sisyphus mix)”
may 2009

Here’s another remix by RaceCarProductions‘ The Librarian and me, under our Schwarz moniker.

This one we did for a remix contest, though we never did hear back from them. We didn’t really expect to, anyway. 🙂

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download: Flight of the Conchords, “Too Many Dicks on the Dancefloor (Schwarz remix)”
feb 2009

Schwarz is RaceCarProductions‘ The Librarian and I doing co-remix duties. For the hell of it, I wanted to take this (hilarious) snippet of a track from the episode (the album wasn’t released yet) and turn it into a dancefloor gem, and Matthew was eager to help. A lot of the original electro feel is still there, but we stretched it out, added bass and acid, and chopped the hell out of the vocals.